Frequently Asked Questions

Who is welcome to take lessons?

EVERYONE is welcome to take lessons! We support any and all people who are interested in trying out pole dancing!

General Class Policies

What is your cancellation/refund policy?

We have a no refund policy at Pole Factory MKE.

If you cancel four or more hours before class time, you have class credit for another time, available on your Wellness Living account. If you late cancel within the four hours before class, you will not receive the credit for another time. We understand emergencies happen, please feel free to reach out for additional questions.

No-showing to a class will result in losing that class credit. If you no-show more than twice in 30 days, then you will be charged a $5 fee.

There are no refunds for event tickets or retail purchases.

What happens if I am late to class?

There is a 10 minute window for late entries. After the 10 minutes, you will not be permitted to enter as missing the warm-up period leaves you at risk of injury. Consistently late arrivals can also result in a $5 fee, up to instructor’s discretion.

Can I just walk in?

We are a small studio, so pre-registration is required. Our online booking system is always available, but we are always checking email, Instagram DMs, and our phones so if you last minute want to see if there’s space in a class, feel free to reach out to us or your instructor. But you do need permission to show up unregistered.

Can I come to watch a class?

For the respect and comfort of all participants, if you sign up for a class you do have to participate. Obviously different bodies may result in needing more breaks, and that’s fine, but purely to watch is not permitted.

Are children allowed to attend?

Anyone over the age of 16 is allowed to participate, be that they sign a waiver. However, we are not able to accommodate child care in any way and anyone within the studio building must be participating in class.

First-Time Common Questions

I’ve never done pole, which class should I start with?

Check out our step-by-step guide here! We recommend starting with Intro to Pole as it is designed for first-timers!

Do I need certain skills to start taking class?

Nope! Any strength and flexibility you see in our upper level polers comes from years of training and practice. No one starts at the top! Come check out our yoga and strength courses for building skills inside and outside of pole.

Is there a weight limit on the poles?

There are no (meaningful) weight limits on the poles! It would take multiple humans and extreme force to dislodge our poles, so all bodies are welcome!

What should I wear to class?

Wear whatever is most comfortable to you! Any workout clothes are suitable: leggings, shorts, t-shirt, tank top, etc. Shorts are encouraged for pole foundations in case of skin grip, but not necessary. You can go barefoot or wear socks!

Please remember to not put on any lotion or skin oils or wear any metal hand jewelry such as rings on the day of your scheduled class.

You can always check the class descriptions and special instructions for special class attire.

Why can’t I wear lotion or hand jewelry?

Lotion on body will make your skin slippery, especially when you sweat, making it more difficult to grip the pole. Our poles are metal and hand jewelry tends to be metal as well, the two can scratch, carving into our poles and leaving you at risk of metal splinters.

Common Questions

How many classes until I get good at pole dancing?

Everyone has different goals for pole dancing: strength, flow, tricks, heels or no heels, and each comes with its own particular set of skills and challenges. Pole is not a race or a challenge, it is an experience and you will improve in different ways depending on the time you feel you want to put in.

What do you offer adult entertainers?

Pole Factory is committed to respect and support of the local stripping community. Our staff consists of many current and retired strippers. Adult entertainers are welcome within our space and to wear whatever you feel most comfortable wearing.

What is a Waitlist?

Waitlist means that the class is full but you are in a list to be automatically pulled into class. If someone drops the class before the late cancel period, you will be automatically moved into the class. You will receive a notification if you come off the waitlist. If you cannot attend, be sure to remove yourself form the waitlist

I'm thinking of getting a home pole, what do you recommend?

At Pole Factory, we have multiple poles in the studio and have a ton of experience with different brands. Different types can fit different needs. We love our X-Pole stage poles, which we have in chrome, stainless steel, and a lollipop attachment. We also love our removal Lupit Poles for the studio, which we have in chrome. Our Platinum stage poles are stainless with pins, which we received second-hand. Feel free to ask us questions or search their websites to find what you might be looking for.

We are affiliated with Lupit Pole and you can receive a 5% discount using our code: PoleFactory at checkout.
